Measuring and managing productivity in a remote team
Although it has, largely, been proven that there are no dips in productivity when you switch to using a remote working team and that, in fact, remote workers may statistically be more productive, that doesn’t help if you have concerns. If you want to be able to improve and manage the productivity of your workers, then that distance may seem like a barrier. However, with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be. Here, we’re going to look at some of the ways you can foster better productivity in a remote team.
Make it easy for the team to communicate
Issues such as a lack of necessary information, mistakes in communication, and a general lack of checking in can all lead to major delays in hitting goals and completing objectives. This typically happens in new remote team setups largely as a result of not having the means and methods to communicate that work best for your team. To that end, you might want to make it easier with the help of tools like team communication software that gives everyone a centralized tool for communication. Not only can it make it easier for individuals to communicate with each other, but groups can be created based on teams, project collaboration, and more, with the ability to share digital assets, images, schedules, and more.
Know how to track projects
If your team is collaborating together on projects, then the communication software can do a lot of good in helping them touch base and work as a team when necessary. However, a bird’s eye view can be valuable, as well, as helping you take an objective overview of the progress of the project, as well as the different tasks and teams that contribute together towards it. Use project management software to identify bottlenecks or missing collaborations. This proactive approach helps identify issues that could potentially delay the project.
Help people get where they are needed
If your workforce is a disparate team of professionals, such as technicians or engineers, that have to travel for their work, going to where they are needed, then streamlining the process of telling them where to go can be a huge benefit. With tools like HVAC dispatch software, you can quickly assess new jobs as they come in, and work out who is best suited for it based on their location and abilities, letting them know where their next job is and when to get there by. Streamlining the process of determining where to best allocate your labor can be instrumental. It helps overcome much of the uncertainty that hinders the prompt achievement of objectives.

Avoid those draining methods
Managers often lean towards micromanaging when transitioning to remote work. Initially, it’s natural to keep a closer eye on things until the setup proves effective. However, constant team meetings are counterproductive, wasting time and diminishing worker engagement. Starting each day or week with long meetings harms productivity. If you hold meetings, ensure they have an agenda and are concise. You don’t need a lengthy report from each person in a digital conference. You can do individual updates separately.
Keep them happy and motivated
Systems-wide approaches to improving productivity are the most likely to do the most good across the board, that’s a fact. However, your company culture and how you treat your workers can have just as much of an impact. Happiness with their work and engagement in it is going to make it much easier for people to invest the energy required to reach peak productivity, so making an effort to make your team happy can show real improvements. Express your appreciation for their work. Make it clear that their efforts contribute to a larger goal. Use a rewards system to incentivize others to reach similar levels of productivity.
Determine how the right tools or priorities can enhance your remote team’s productivity. This will help you achieve your business goals more efficiently.